Saturday, October 23, 2010

Follow up visit

Afiq all smiles like a champ

Happy father Encik Fairul

I made a followup visit to the Pediatric Ward in HUKM yesterday to see that everything is all right after our activity last Sunday. I had met the sister incharged, Puan Siti and all the nursing staff. They were really pleased to see me and conveyed their heartfelt thank you to all of us.

I also made my "round' to visit all the wonderful kids in their beds and cribs. All of them remembered our party and their parents were by their sides giving their thanks to us.

I met young Afiq Danial who had received Kooky's TNF medal. He is now much better and have moved into the main ward from his restricted room. I talked with his father Encik Fairul and he was very grateful to all of us. We had made the difference.

So it was a very successful event and we had really touched their hearts. We should all now be feel good feeling good. Ala mak! even one parent asked me Bila esok ada satu party lagi ? I just smiled.

Let's do it again. Jom?

Allen Lai